Complete newbie to this. Never had need to map textures to anything, suddenly a job is wanted a.s.a.p and requires this accurate recreation.
I need advice on how to get a real image mapped to its real surface shape, considering I have a triangle shape and dont want wrapover at edges messing up the need for also the genuine item looking as such there as well.
I have need for it all to look as per the real thing, on faces and all edges.
I need to use photoshop to create a certain brick type wall pattern (colours vary per brick, burnt areas, pale areas etc) and have this mapped onto this triangle wall as well as normal walls.
A row of ‘soldier bricks’ on end run along it. One wall has a tile sandwich.
I need to have the mapped texture look like the wall that exists, the old photo though has film grain and is low res so I need to recreate it at high res. then use the texture actual size throughout my project. NO WRAPAROUND, bricks must look correct on all faces.
What application mode is needed, (not sphere or cylinder thats for sure !)
Q1. For the triangle face, do I create a triangle or a square of the exact brickwork pattern 1:1 scale ?
Q2. Should I try and tile the pattern to have it repeat at a not too obvious interval ?
Q3. Would a square cease if trimmed at the slope ? I dont want it wrapping round the side.
Q4. each face needs a separate texture I would think, what about the top of the low shelf where the bricks are on end ?
Q5. How should the ‘soldier’ bricks be done ?
Q6. one wall has a tile ‘sandwich’ with two rows of tile edges visible in this so how should this be tackled ? Would I create the artwork for the visible edge, long and thin as it may be ? The top and underside of what sticks out could be plain tile red or leave as layer colour, would a plain colour texture be preferable than relying on layer colour as that might take on a sheen.
Q7. I need everything dead matt
Q8. weathered concrete for other cast objects, mostly flat rectangular surfaces. some triangular faces. Can one trim to face edges, I dont want a wrapover effect.
Q9. grass, tarmac, any suggested sources.
Hi @Steve1
The easiest way, I think, would be to just model the thing as a solid block and then uv map the texture on. Look at this video to get started. You will of course need to create the texture in Photoshop/GIMP/whatever you have.
HTH, Jakob
I have seen that vid a few times on how to do a wood handle, it is so different to an actual texture with exact edges the brick photograp needs to match to. In my case if I create my actual size brick wall texture in photoshop and select the triangle, will the texture stop at the triangle edge, will it try to wrap around onto where the soldier bricks should be, messing them up,
Do I explode the object and map to a selected surface to stop it wrapping round the edge ?
Do I select trim tool and snip the jpg away beyond the surface ?
I just dont see any vids on how to make a specific shape texture as a jpg (or what file it should be) fit to the same size/shape solid.
Everyone is using generic patterns.
What if someone modelled their house which has a single storey garage stuck to one side, they then went outside, photographed each face of the house, then removed the perspective from the photos, squared it all up to and made the jpg the actual size of the house wall, would they chop out the bit above the garage and make it transparent ?
To have transparent beyond the brick is that necessary, so a gif ? pr a .psd file ? or can it be white ?
can someone please extrude a triangle solid and map to it a drawn triangle texture and prove it doesnt want to go around the edges.
My wall has 5 separate faces of brick I need to texture with the actual brick pattern of the real thing. (front up to tiles, slope top, slope side, shelf and short side. )
Should I map the entire front face of my wall then would the tile row mapping obscure the brick texture where the tile should be when next added ?
You use unwrap to define you uv islands (so that yiu can keep your object as one) and then position the islands correctly on your texture using uveditor. Alternatively you explode the object and then map each face individually. See this video for a more general intro to uv mapping.
Hth, Jakob
Hi Jakob,
very good video, one to refer to for sure, EXCELLENT… though its by Autodesk, so what program would I use for Rhino V5 that does that ?
Do I have to buy a separate program or does Rhino somewhere have such ?
Is unwrap a Rhino command or again something in the program in use in that video ?
I need to map raster images of bricks to my CAD bricks, you say explode and do each brick separately, it has many different patterned bricks, not all the same colour, all hand made, and baked.
all bricks are same size so that makes life easier. Where a brick is angle cut I wonder what to do or just use the rectangle and it cuts off at the edge by itself ?
The mortar surface is one large triangle and sits 0.1inch in from the brick face, so would one large mortar sheet do that, and the bricks sit sticking out through it I think that would work, I hope that would work !
Could I also flip a texture and so double the choice of patterns I have to use ?
Hi @Steve1
Both Unwrap and UVEditor are Rhino commands - see their help files for more info. And no, I didn’t mean for you to map each brick individually - I meant each face of your geometry. If you upgraded to Rhino 7 you could just assign different materials and mapping to each seperate face using sub-object selection (Ctrl+Shift), but that’s not available in Rhino 5.