Map a texture along curve

I have created a sweep of a profile along a curve:

And I have created a brick texture that I want to map along this curve as well:

I would like to map this texture along the curve so I end up with an arch of bricks, but I haven’t been able to find a solution for this anywhere. Thanks!

Please give it a try with Cylindrical mapping

Brick.3dm (243.8 KB)

Thanks for the reply! Your .3dm file is from Rhino 8 so I can’t open it in Rhino 7, but from the screenshot it looks like you’re struggling with the same problem that I’m having when using Cylindrical projection:

the texture appears stretched in the top/front surface.

Hi @Espen1

Take a look at UV mapping - see attached file.
brick arc.3dm (906.3 KB)
HTH, Jakob

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Wow! Yes this looks like the result I’m looking for. Unfortunately I have Rhino 7 and not 8, so I can’t open this file, would you be able to save it as a rhino 7 file? Thank you for the help.

Hei Espen -

You can find 2 file converters in this topic: Rhino 3dm file version converter

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