Make 2D with Image (PictureFrame)

Hi Guys,

I have inserted an image with Picture to my model. I use Make2D to export and then do a quick render in photoshop.

Is there anyway I can keep the image with the make2D export? I would like to avoid trying to reshape the image in photoshop, if pssible.

For context the model is a shop front and the image is a graphic on a window. This is only a quick model and quick render that i include with quotes to allow the client to better visualise the proposal.

Thanks in advance

Make2D creates curves and pays no attention to images or textures.

It sounds like your approach makes sense.

Hi Paul -
I’ll have to trace the image to include it in the Make2D process. Depending on the specific needs, the Vectorize plug-in might help you on the way.

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Hi Paul,
could be useful to use layout (to compose image + make2d) and print to PDF to export from Rhino to Photoshop?
An Example
PDF_Raster_Vector.pdf (1.5 MB)

I would just use screencapture to file that’ll take the graphic. Just choose a render mode that suits, I use sketch with a white background.