Macro with _SelLast options

Hello everyone!

I’m trying to create a pair of macro/aliases. The first adds the last object created to the current selection, while the second selects only the last object created.

The command -_SelLast indeed offers DeselectOthersBeforeSelect = 'Yes' or 'No', but it basically only toggles between the two states and does not allow for a specific choice - if I’m not mistaken.

Would anyone have a workaround for something similar to the _SmartTrack command option: 'Yes', 'No' or 'Toggle', so that it can directly be used in a macro?

Many thanks for your ideas!


Hi Aurèle - off hand I do not see a good way to handle this predictably. It is possible in a script, as far as I can see, only for one object at the top of the list- that is, I do not see how to know how far down the list to look, if several were created in one go by a command.


Cheers Pascal,
I will try and see what I can do :slight_smile:
