Mac Auto Save Issues

Given Rhino leverages the OSX built in “Auto Save” functionality I recognize that the issues I describe below are likely not options I can assert/control at the Rhino level, however, saying that I have very large files and the inability to control auto saving is very problematic… (The conversation re: using Blocks is valid, however that has it’s own dependencies as I need to use Keyshot live linking and the plugin doesn’t respect layers etc)

I have models in excess of 20GB and the periodic saving/spinning beachball is all but killing my workflow.

The article on the McNeel Wiki says:

## If Rhino is constantly saving my model, am I going to be constantly interrupted by the Auto Saves?

The periodic Auto Saves run in the background. You will never know when a background Auto Save is happening because it never blocks Rhino from working. If you start changing your model when Rhino attempts an Auto Save, Rhino silently abandons the Auto Save and will attempt it again later.

That statement certainly isn’t true…

I suspect Worksessions would be very helpful here but my previous ‘ask’ for this to be supported on the Mac version of Rhino got a virtual ‘don’t hold your breath’ response.


I spun up a Windows VM on my Mac to play with Worksessions, and it would seem that this is a viable solution to the the issues when individual files get large enough to pose an autosave issue as each ‘worksession attachment’ is small enough to be worked on independently and then the ultimate model is still small