I’m trying to loft two polycurves, but the loft function is not doing what I want. I want the two curves to join smoothly from top two bottom, but there is a lot of criss cross. Is it something with the direction of the lines? Does anyone have a method to do this?
Your base curves seem to be a bit wonky. Try setting the Loft Options to Align Sections and Rebuild with Count = 200. That helps, but it seems Loft doesn’t like the corners on the inside curve.
I tried filleting the curves but that did not resolve the problems.
Here is what I’m trying to do. The base curve is from a “Sweep 1” component with a line with an set inclination. Then a “mesh|mesh” intersect component. This is probably not the best way to do to this and the result is obviously a bit wonky.
A mesh/mesh intersect will not produce a nice smooth intersect curve which is what Loft wants to have. Loft is fairly sensitive about the curves you give it, so it’s best to give it either simple straight lines or smooth Nurbs curves. Loft typically chokes with curves that have kinks or corners.