Loft problem

I am not able to see lot surface.
I want to make blended spaceframe structure. For that, I have generated lines but not able to do make surface o it. I also connected lot component and it is also running without any error, but I can not see the surface.
help me to find the solution.
thank you or your time.

I’d be happy to help.
Please post your gh-file (41.5 KB)

Cool geometry!

You have 82 curves with one curve in each branch.
If there had been 2 curves in each branch you would get 82 surfaces.
But since there’s only one you don’t get a surface.

Flatten the input of the loft component and you’ll get 1 surface from all curves.

Thank you for your inputs. As you can see, what I want to design. I am not getting the desired surface. When I chaeck the point list, at that time I realized that the confusion is there only. Points are not going in order. That 82 curve’s points are not in seam/rhythm. If I can solve the order of points then I can get surface clean and clear.
I am also trying on it.
If you get any thing regarding this, please share with me.
Thank you for your interest.

You could inspect in what order you have the lines like this.
I have adjusted the seam of the circles so the right circle has it’s starting point in the right place.
But if you want to use this method you would need to adjust the seam for the circle individually. (53.9 KB)