Currently, I’m going through my old coursework to brush up on my grasshopper skill again, and I’m doing an early exercise where I’m trying to make a lofted structure, starting with two curves drawn in Rhino. I have then divided them, linked them and used the point on curve node along with a vector to create a third guiding curve for the loft. I believe the solution I came up with should be if not optimal then functional, as I managed to create a third curve. However, when I went to loft the three curves, it did not recognize the third curve created by the algorithm.
I was a bit confused since everything looked correct to me. I tried to bake the third curve, and do the loft in Rhino, which worked! I then also tried to set the baked curve in a curve container in GH, and then again loft the three curves in there, and to my surprise that worked too! So in the end, I am able to get the geometry I was aiming for.
However, I am wondering why the curve I created through the GH algorithm did not work for creating the loft. I feel like I am missing something that could cause problems for me in more complex algorithms further down the road. Could anyone take a look at it, and see if they can explain it to me? I hope this post was clear, and would really appreciate answers!
In the file, the loft works as it is using the baked curve, however, if I attach the output of the rebuild curve component to the loft component, and removed the baked curve, it does not work.
Not working loft.gh (13.8 KB)