I am struggeling with the last part of my design and hope for some help.
I have a lofted surface, that I managed to divide in equal parts and offset so I have a equal pattern on it like I want.
I now have a list of closed curves. The problem is I can’t manage to close the curves (I tried loft, boundary surface and edge surface). I can close a single one by dividing the curve, but I need a solution to enclose them to a surface and extrude all. I can’t wrap my head around how to transfer the idea from the single curve to all of them.
I used shaper3d and lunchbox, so it might be that you can’t open the GH. So ideas to close closed curves to a surface also work.
Your structure looks so much simpler. I have the to do the same operation with several surfaces. But when I plug in a different surface it won’t work anymore. Can you see why that is the case? I attached a GH file.
Also, is it the case that the single tiles get bigger towards the top of the structure or does it just seem like it? Because I tried to have the tiles always in the same format, but just bended.