Hi community,
I’m trying to loft 2 non coplanar curves and have a clean brep out of it.
In the past I remember trying something similar, but this time I wan to try with a surface subdivision.
1- Due to the geometries of the curves, there are some indesirable overlap. Any clues on how to proprely construct that Brep/surface ?
2- In a second time, I would need to made lattices (wood planks) on that surface, oriented from the center shape (in blue) radially to the extreme curve border. (that blue shape could change, it just seems logical for easy construction with wood lattices)
- So I need a poly surface well contructed…
- I was planning to use panneling too to acheive this… maybe some have a clever easy other answer ?
Daym… some day I think i will stop designing with curves eheh…
loft_V1.gh (26.5 KB)
Thank you