(Eric Paul Marvets)
September 20, 2020, 11:22pm
It would really help if this thread linked to each build directly to the dujour repo.
New feature development for Rhino 7 happens in the Rhino WIP. You need a license of Rhino 6 to download and run Rhino WIP. Download now !
New in Rhino WIP:
All the fixes in Rhino 6, plus:
CopyToClipboard: Doesn’t work in V7 (RH-42805 )
File IO: Files written with ON_DebugWriteObject can’t be read in V7 (RH-43175 )
Continuing from the Rhino WIP based on Rhino 6 code:
Cycles Render Plug-in
Mesh2 command
QuadMesh command
Sure, there’s not a lot new yet, but we need to get in the habit of releas…
I need to roll back to 7.0.20252. A parent block with a child block in the current WIP tries to delete layers when history updates the child. ???.exe
(Eric Paul Marvets)
September 21, 2020, 12:17am
Ok, you can find the build number in a YT track for that build. Then just plug in the date and version into the URL.
(Brian Gillespie)
September 21, 2020, 6:09pm
@EricM did you report the actual bug separately? This thread seems to be about finding links to older WIPs; however it seems that within 45 days your WIP will expire and the later WIPs will have this bug.
(Eric Paul Marvets)
September 21, 2020, 9:29pm
Yes, thanks. If I survive the day I will post it.
1 Like
(Eric Paul Marvets)
September 22, 2020, 11:28pm
I wasn’t sure which version I used last, so I grabbed an August build once I figured out how to get past builds. I did test each release to see when it broke and noted that it was working on 7.0.20252.16055. Hope that helps narrow it down.
This worked on build 7.0.20252.16055, which I’m reverting to.
(for your convenience, although it’s not specific to this file, nor the block being used)
BlockHistoryBug.3dm (224.6 KB)
There are five blocks being flowed along a crv.
Move the crv’s control point and you get an error message for each block when history updates.
The error message changes depending on the situation, but all of them so far relate to failing to delete a layer.
Turning Update Children off and us…