I am trying to export a pdf via Rhino.FileIO.FilePdf.Create().
When I do so, the result looks like that:
When I do it manually, it’s looking like that.
This confuses me a bit because I prefer the looks of the manual option.
How can I control the output using Rhino.FileIO.FilePdf.Create()?
(Pascal Golay)
May 12, 2022, 8:10pm
Hi Tobias - I am on thin ice here but it may be that this will help
I could not find anything specifically for printing, as opposed to view capture, but it might apply, I don’t know.
@pascal , thanks first of all.
I just tried and so far I do not get a better result.
pdf = Rhino.FileIO.FilePdf.Create()
dpi = 300
inch = 25.4
width = (view.PageWidth)/inch
height = (view.PageHeight)/inch
size = System.Drawing.Size(width*dpi,height*dpi)
settings = Rhino.Display.ViewCaptureSettings(view, size, dpi)
settings.MatchLinetypePatternDefinition = True
Or am i missing something here?
(Pascal Golay)
May 12, 2022, 8:31pm
Hi Tobias - I think you will need better advice than I can provide - on the Scripting or Developer forum - My only thought at the moment is to see, with a break point in the debugger, if Settings is indeed updated and applied at AddPage()
@pascal , I checked it. It is set to True.
But I understand (and thanks again), let’s hope someone will be able to help.
I moved the thread to the developer forum.
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settings.MatchLinetypePatternDefinition = False
This did the job.
It is set to True
on default. So it needs to be switched.