I have lines showing up in my viewport on a layout tab in shaded mode. Why is this? Display ISO curves is off.
Hi Mike - those are seams - turn off displaying tangent seams.
@pascal - Thanks pascal. That took care of it. Any idea why the shade color is light grey rather than black. Everything is set to the layer and the layer colors are black. It shows that way in the model too. Of course in the model I need to choose a non-black color but on the layout tab it’s still not showing black on the white paper background.
@pascal - I found this post. I am assuming nothing still has changed so true black remains white. Is this correct? Is there an option to change this in settings? Has this changed in v8?
Hi Mike - in a shaded viewport, black wireframe objects will shade white - if you want them to appear black in shaded, make the object color very dark gray.
Has this changed at all in version 8?