Line extrusion

Hello, fellows!
I have created multiple lines with grasshopper, now I want to extrude each of those lines.
I am thinking about using genpool component, but am not sure how to apply it yet.
Could you tell me how I can extrude each of the lines with different number of my choice?
Thank you! (49.3 KB)

cant controlle it because you did not internalise the input data but i think flattening the base and direction input should help


You clearly have a mismatch in your data tree, and need to solve this based on what you are trying to achieve

Are you planning to extrude per branch or per item? (49.9 KB)
I have internerlized the data so you can take a look at it! What I am trying to do is extrude each of those lines to y and z direction.

In this picture, they are extruded by order, but I want to control them no matter what their order is!
Thank you! (49.9 KB)
I have internerlized the data so you can take a look at it! What I am trying to do is extrude each of those lines to y and z direction.
If you could take a look at it, it would be a huge help!