Extruding Multiple Curves Parallel? - Grasshopper

Hi everyone,

As the title suggests I was wondering if there is a way in Grasshopper to extrude multiple curves at once while keeping the extrusion parallel to its own curve, rather than simply in the x/y/z direction. I get the results I want when I do it manually in Rhino by extruding one curve at a time, but was wondering how to go about it using Grasshopper. I’m trying to get each extrusion parallel to itself so it could theoretically be used for CNC

Here is a simplified example. The left option is what I am getting in Grasshopper, the option on the right is what I am trying to replicate.

Any help/feedback is greatly appreciated, thank you!!

Parallel Extrusion.gh (40.7 KB)

I think the word you are looking for is “perpendicular” not “parallel” as the extrusion direction is perpendicular to the plane. In this case you need the plane’s normal vector.

EvalSurface and extrude using the normal output

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Use an amplitude component or multiplication component to adjust the extrusion depth

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Haha oops, thank you for the catch on the “parallel” comment. This was just what I was looking for! I’ve been using Rhino for a while but Grasshopper is fairly new to me. The feedback/help on these little threads as I learn is greatly appreciated

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