for the spot light, directional light and linear light I wish that the control points are active on the first selection,
point light is ok. Rectangular light that works like the Plane command and also control points that are active on the first selection.
For the camera I wish that it can be more than 1 in the viewport, and on first selection like for the light you select all camera and if you not select further points you move it as it is.
Maybe this is already possible, if so I apologize.
F10 (points on) and F11 (points off) are pretty easy to turn control points on and off.
Changing the behavior to have points on automatically when selecting a light objects would screw up dragging the whole light.
Instead of multiple “cameras”, have you explored creating named views? Then you can restore them in any viewport whenever you want.
Hi John, thanks for the light tip, I understand your point for the lights control.
Regarding the camera and views creation I always found it user unfriendly.
You can place your light as an object but you can not place your camera and in a real life both are things that we manipulate with. To check where is your view (camera) in the space you need 4viewport and just how can you check all the camera positions in the 4 viewports??, to change numerically your lenses you need to search trough the panels…
Named views have “Named view widgets” - which are camera objects. You can have as many as you like in a view. You can modify them using all the usual Rhino commands.
- Andy
Hi Andy,
when you place a camera widget it disappears from the viewports. What do you mean :" You can have as many as you like in a view."?
I mean, if you select your Light you see the properties, if you select your Clipping Plane you see the properties, if you select your camera, oops where is the camera?
Thank you Andy, this (Show named view widget) should be on when you create a camera so it does not disappears, also when you hit escape it disappear despite Show named view widget is checked and the camera view is selected in the panel. Why complicating?
That was a design decision that was taken during the Rhino 5 development process. I think the thinking is that filling the viewport with cameras would be more confusing.
Yes, practically if you press F6 you get this:
But if you go to the Named views panel you get this:
I do not know about other users, but to me this is very confusing and not in accordance with the other Rhino tools logic of using and properties manipulation.
Correct. The camera is a “widget”, not an object. So it doesn’t obey the rules for objects.
However, it does have a properties page. You can use Rhino commands on it. You can turn on the points.
So many clicks for such simple operations. No immediate feedback when you change your lens length in the Named views panel properties, at the same time you can not move or see the changes in the viewport, but you must activate another window = Edit by looking. God help us.
I see immediate updates in the lens length.
I’m afraid I don’t understand your other comment.
Do you see this cam lens update in the viewport? How? Can you please explain the procedure you do, thank you.
No - not in the viewport, but in the named view thumbnail. When you are editing the named view properties - you are editing the named view. Not the actual view.
I hope you find a way so that the camera becomes a user friendly object or widget. Have some predefined lens lengths to choose from the properties menu, having the feedback in the viewport (and thumbnail) when you change a value. One shape representing the camera. Possibility to turn it of when you want and not by default. I’m sure you can do better. Thanks!