Lettering jewellery - how to

Hello there,
I am trying to create this name chain, I do have a little bit of experience with rhino/matrix gold, but I do not have enough to figure this thing out.
Been trying with subd but something does not look right to me, would love to hear your thoughts about what would be your way to go about it.
this is what I am trying to achieve:

and this is what I have been doing:

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I am not an expert but your version is more “chunky” and the original is more “loopy.” I wonder if breaking it down into sections and using Curve from 2 views to make the parts that loop back and under and then rail sweeps would get you something closer.

Have you seen the Jack Meyer book Jewellery for Rhino? It doesn’t have this exactly but it might be helpful.

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As a retired jewelry designer with 10-years of experience (I used Matrix 6 - Matrix 9), I would probably NOT use sub-d. I’m not saying it’s impossible with sub-d only I think it would be easier to replicate the design with standard Rhino modeling (curves and profiles and maybe flow along curve) as it actually has a fairly square-ish cross-section.

But let me also say that I personally would consider this job extremely challenging…especially if the diamonds would be included.

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