where are the latest Tutorials about Layouts / Drafting / Documentation ?
I am searching for a quit comprehensive Tutorial / best practice for my students - including new V8 features like section tools, section styles, …
would really love to see an update -
are any updates on the tutorials are planed regarding v8 - or at least label the old tutorials to be quickly related to V5, V6, V7, V8 ?
I’m about to start a post “Share your best Layout Tips and Tricks”. About could mean anything from a week from now to a year from now. They’re just fixing up some printing bugs (I think they’re all but fixed) and on my end I feel like I just need to get a bit better.
I have videos on R7 but they are specific to a certain workflow on a certain style/size of project.
You can find Rhino tutorials by version here.
There are a lot of Rhino 6, 7, & 8 that have layouts.
I have my favorite Architectural Tutorials listed in this post here.
We are a small company and the Rhino 8 release support and stabilization is talking all our resources. We all wear many hats and I wish it were easier.
However, these tutorial redos for Rhino 8 are on the list when the support demand falls off and I break away.
In the meantime, please ask any specific questions. I will answer them here for all to benefit by.