Layout drawing numbers?

I couldn’t find an existing feature request for this, but it seems obvious. Could we have Layout Numbers in addition to Layout Names? Not just a sequential page number. eg. GA-01

I currently have this as User Text, but I’d like to see the numbers listed in the Layouts Panel, and be able to organize them by number.

Oh, is this another missing Mac feature?

Hi @NeilE,

In the Layouts panel, you can rename the layout.

Is this was you are asking about?

– Dale

If a drawing number is just part of the Layout Name it makes it difficult/impossible to reference it where only the number is needed. On a drawing reference marker, you only want to see detail number and drawing number eg. “01/GA-01”. Not “01/GA-01 Layout Name”.

Hi Neil -

In the Rhino 7 WIP phase, we introduced a PageContents text field (RH-55061) where you could put a description of the layout. This was in addition to the PageName, which, typically, would be something like your “GA-01”.
We quickly took that out again (RH-55063) in favor for the more versatile LayoutUserText text field.

I see, I missed that. LayoutUserText is great, I’m using that for version, date etc.

But if PageName is used for the drawing number (slightly confusing), then my question just becomes, is it possible to add LayoutUserText("ActualPageName") to the Layout panel?

Having drawing reference numbers, and a title describing it, seems universal enough that it would be worth accommodating in the Layout panel. I would struggle to remember drawings from just numbers, and struggle to organize them with only names.