Layers/layouts/detail help - "Global visibility setting"?

I don’t know what this setting means… or where to find it.

It’s supposed to link to something, but the link just moves the page a bit…

Also, what does the “New detail on” setting really do and why is it there?

Hi @Helvetosaur
That link is incorrect.
I logged RH-79596.

This is good opportunity to define these terms.

  • Global is the on/off light bulb that Rhino has always had.
    It you turn a layer off it is off “everywhere” model viewports, layouts, and all details views on every layout.

  • Detail/Layout Visibility: layers in a details can be turn off, without affecting other details, layouts or model viewport. (This is not new and has been in Rhino since version 5.)

  • Model visibility is new in Rhino 8. Now you can turn off a layer in your model viewport and it will not affect existing details that are on the layouts. However, this affects all model viewports. So if you turn a layer off with Model visibility light bulb in the Top view, it will be off in the Front view.

  • NewDetailOn is new in Rhino 8 allows you to “preset” the visibility of layers in NEW details.
    If you set a group of layers to be off or on in the New Detail On, create a new detail to test this feature. CAD users (AutoCAD, Briscad…) may recognize this as being similar to the setting New VP Freeze setting in their software.

See more details on the Rhino 8 Layers panel and features here.

Thanks again.
Mary Ann Fugier

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