Layer drop-down menu doesn't always fully expand?


In the current and the previous version of Rhino 8 (8.3.24009.15002, 2024-01-09) for macOS, there’s an annoyance with the Layer drop down menu from the Object Properties tab.

Sometimes, when selecting one or more geometry objects in the viewport with the mouse and then clicking on the expandable Layer drop-down menu to the change their layer, it doesn’t fully expand to show the entire layer list from the current Rhino document!
Instead only the current and/or Default layer get displayed:

In order to reproduce this, I simply created a new Rhino document with the mm template, put a solid, curve, and point in the scene, and made random selections and tried the drop down menu, until the bug popped up. It shouldn’t take more than a few tries!

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I am experiencing the exact same issue (Mac Version 8 (8.3.24009.15002, 2024-01-09). I haven’t determined exactly what triggers it. Once triggered, it’s quite persistent and difficult to resolve and very annoying. Sometimes even quitting and relaunching fails to restore normal operation.

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Hi -

I’ve tried this 20-some times but wasn’t able to make that happen here. I’d update to a current 8.4 candidate, if only for all the other bug-fixes that went into those.

I find it relatively easy to reproduce:

Hi Marc -

It’s a bit hazy, but that’s still on 8.3, correct?

I counted 7 tries. I should have hit it with 20-ish.

Sorry, I needed to downsample the video quite a bit to be able to upload it.
Yes, version 8 (8.3.24009.15002, 2024-01-09) on Sonoma 14.2.1 (23C71).

It’s still happening in 8.5 it seems.

hi @diff-arch I see that, thanks

It happens when you click on the very edge of that dropdown.
RH-81264 dropdown shows only Default when clicking on top edge