Latest beta Obj export gone bad

In the latest beta when I export as .obj file either pre meshing or just export and let Rhino mesh the mesh/s turn into total junk when I import into max I had to use dwg format to get my model out of Rhino.

Send me a .3dm model with pictures of how it looks (bad) and it should look (good). I just made recent changes to apply the tiling transform, if it’s not identity, to the TCs on the way out. Maybe I screwed something up.


Hi Tim,
Let me know your email so I can send you the files it’s for a project I’m working on so I can’t post it here. I’ll send the 3dm and the obj export file for you to look.

Here’s a screen shot of how it’s importing into max. In max they have a import rhino obj checkbox that I’ve been using which up to now has been working really well.
Thanks for your hard work on this and your quick reply,

Wow! That does look like complete crap. I don’t think that’s a TC problem, looks much worse than that. Does everything you export look like that? Does your model have flat areas that would have interior boundaries if you extracted the coplanar faces? If yes, then you should uncheck the option (on the mesh tab but I can’t remember the name offhand and I’m not sitting at a computer with Rhino on it) that creates polygons out of coplanar faces. OBJ can only handle a single boundary per face but there’s a bug in the ngon creation code that doesn’t skip ngon creation when the ngon has interior boundaries when it’s told to do so. In fact, just turn that off regardless of your geometry and see if it’s any better.

Send your model(s) to I’ll look at them on Monday.


One thing I thought of over the weekend. Is your model’s scale small? If it is, did the number precision accidentally change in the export settings? That would definitely make a model look bad. When you send me your model include a snapshots of your export settings tabs too please.


Ok will do.