Lates update just broke my compiled grasshopper tool in RH8

The latest Rhino 8 (8.9.24163…) update is causing us problems with both Python2 in Rhino and with our compiled grasshopper tool (script works fine in player and grasshopper)…both won’t really work and either crash Rhino or simply won’t work (exits after the first inputs)

Any suggestions on what may have changed, and how to fix it?


@anders Anything you can share so I can test? I really have no idea what kind of problems are you seeing. By “compiled Grasshopper tool” do you mean a Grasshopper plugin? Is it compiled in dotnet or published using the new script editor? What scripting languages are used?

The .rhp was created with the McNeel script compiler from a grasshopper recipe and then made into a package that is available through the Rhino package installer system, using the online tool on food4rhino.
The name is Solarlab solar facade tool…


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Hi @eirannejad
Here you have the rhp and yak file…both have stopped working. I have tried cleaning everything out installing the rph with drag and drop, and repeated with the yak, but neither worked and nor did the one installed from the packagemanager.

Here are the rhp and yak files in a zip (702.2 KB)

The grasshopper script still works fine…


Hi @eirannejad ,
I haven’t found out why the current build stopped working, but it did so on both mac and PC runnin 8.8, so I’m trying to build a new rhp from my working grasshopper recipe using the new scripteditor on a mac…but I’m struggling to get something useful

It outputs both the .rhp and the yak, but after installation they don’t work any better than the one we have online currently. It exits after the first couple of input steps…


Hi @eirannejad …Something is absolutely not working in Grasshopper after the latest update.

My recipe will run using GrasshopperPlayer on Win11, but not in Grasshopper and when I compile a Rhino command it also won’t work…

When I open the .gh or .ghx in Grasshopper on my Win11 machine I see this (Python 3 script freaking out):

These may not be related to why it won’t compile into a functioning Rhino command (both Win10 and Win11) or run in Grasshopper (weird python error on Win 11), but I don’t get the weirdness on the Python3 component on my Win10 machine and it runs in Grasshopper, but it won’t compile anywhere…

Any thoughts on what I may be doing wrong or suggestions on ways to fix my python3 problem on Win11 and my general compiling (using new script editor) to rhino command issue?


Placing a new Python script component in Grasshopper on my Win11 gives this error

Any thoughts?

I don’t quite follow. Could you provide exact steps?
What is that .ghx file that you’re mentioning?

Hi @Alain When I save the Grasshopper recipe I can save as either .gh or .ghx, and when compiling a Rhino command in the the new RH8 scripteditor Ehsan mentioned in the video that it should be the .ghx that was used.

The Python3 freakout is when I open a Grasshopper recipe in Rh8 on my Win8 machine…it happens across recipes.

The error window in my last post comes up when I simply drag a script component onto the canvas

I have a feeling that the underlying issue is also causing the malfunction of my previously well functioning Rhino command, since the latest Rhino update

So the problem happens with any Grasshopper definition? Even a new new one?
Could you try with the latest 8.9 RC (8.9.24171) just released today?

I’ll give it a try tomorrow when I’m back in front of the PCs…and hope it will also fix the problem with my Rhino command. The weidness doesn’t happen on my mac (rh8.9 from June 11), but my rhino command doesn’t work here either…

The weirdness around the py3 component that shared earlier, happens whenever I drop a scrip component onto the Grasshopper canvas on my win11 machine…as well as with any older script I open that contains a Py3 component.

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The Python component now works again in the latest update, but my solarpanel tool (RhinoPackage install) still doesn’t (compiled grasshopper recipe), but works fine using GrasshopperPlayer and from Grasshopper…Any idea what might be happening?

It simply exits silently after the first couple of prompts and inputs and at the same place every time. It also doesn’t show the preview along the way.

I’ve tried recompiling it a number of times and have edited anything I can think of, but it still won’t work when installed in Rhino…

Any suggestions @Alain ?

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@Alain @eirannejad

Playing around with the installed command I just realised that the problem is that all the presets (set in panels in the script) are gone in Rhino, so if the user don’t enter the requested information, it just exits…it used to just take the preset and move on when you hit Enter… and it would always show a preview of the final result as you go through the choices

How can I get this behavior back (preset values and preview)…The user is stumbling around blind without the preview to guide them?

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@Alain @eirannejad
Sorry for bumping this issue…,but do you have any news or fixes that I could use?
…the latest update (Service Release Candidate 8.9.24177 from june 25th) didn’t solve it


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