Rhino - Grasshopper - Python Component kills running Scripts - bug

I use the Python Component in one of my Grasshopper definitions.
If I try to run a Python script, after running the definition using that component, the script is not working anymore and get the following message:

@Bogdan_Chipara Which Rhino version? I feel like this is 8.8 RC from last week?

Version 8 SR7
(8.7.24138.15431, 2024-05-17)

Rhino 8 SR7 2024-5-17 (Rhino 8, 8.7.24138.15431, Git hash:master @ 03702f889bdef32626af4bca510b5e8a85666d38)
License type: Commercial, build 2024-05-17
License details: Cloud Zoo

Windows 11 (10.0.22631 SR0.0) or greater (Physical RAM: 31GB)
.NET 7.0.16

Computer platform: LAPTOP  - Plugged in [100% battery remaining]

Hybrid graphics configuration.
  Primary display: AMD Radeon 780M Graphics (AMD) Memory: 1GB, Driver date: 11-30-2023 (M-D-Y).
    > Integrated accelerated graphics device with 4 adapter port(s)
        - Windows Main Display is laptop's integrated screen or built-in port
  Primary OpenGL: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Laptop GPU (NVidia) Memory: 8GB, Driver date: 2-15-2024 (M-D-Y). OpenGL Ver: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 551.61
    > Integrated accelerated graphics device with 4 adapter port(s)
        - Video pass-through to primary display device

OpenGL Settings
  Safe mode: Off
  Use accelerated hardware modes: On
  Redraw scene when viewports are exposed: On
  Graphics level being used: OpenGL 4.6 (primary GPU's maximum)
  Anti-alias mode: 4x
  Mip Map Filtering: Linear
  Anisotropic Filtering Mode: High
  Vendor Name: NVIDIA Corporation
  Render version: 4.6
  Shading Language: 4.60 NVIDIA
  Driver Date: 2-15-2024
  Driver Version:
  Maximum Texture size: 32768 x 32768
  Z-Buffer depth: 24 bits
  Maximum Viewport size: 32768 x 32768
  Total Video Memory: 8188 MB

Rhino plugins that do not ship with Rhino

Rhino plugins that ship with Rhino
  C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\Commands.rhp	"Commands"	8.7.24138.15431
  C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\rdk.rhp	"Renderer Development Kit"	
  C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\RhinoRenderCycles.rhp	"Rhino Render"	8.7.24138.15431
  C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\rdk_etoui.rhp	"RDK_EtoUI"	8.7.24138.15431
  C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\NamedSnapshots.rhp	"Snapshots"	
  C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\MeshCommands.rhp	"MeshCommands"	8.7.24138.15431
  C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\RhinoCycles.rhp	"RhinoCycles"	8.7.24138.15431
  C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\Toolbars\Toolbars.rhp	"Toolbars"	8.7.24138.15431
  C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\3dxrhino.rhp	"3Dconnexion 3D Mouse"	
  C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\Displacement.rhp	"Displacement"	
  C:\Program Files\Rhino 8\Plug-ins\SectionTools.rhp	"SectionTools"	

Oh yeah. Sorry I just realized what is happening in that script. The rs.GetObject does not work inside of Grasshopper. If you can tell me a bit more about what you are trying to do I can help suggesting an alternative.

The legacy script component shows the same error:

We have also improved the error messages in Rhino 8.8 RC:

ah, now I understand what you just wrote. You got it wrong.

  1. Run a Python script inside Grasshopper - Grasshopper Python Component.
    Close the Script Editor for the Component.

  2. Open ScriptEditor in Rhino and run some other script there.
    The script in the script editor will give you an error.

Step1 run something inside the grasshopper component.

Close the Script Editor for the Component.
Step2. open Script editor in Rhino and try to run whatever script there.

yes, I can easly replicate it to get the same error

I am testing this in 8.8 RC and can not replicate this. Would you mind sending me the two scripts you are running? Maybe there is something special there. I will test 8.7 as well

yes, can you please send me an upload link with your mcneel email so I can send you an archive with the files?
Thank you!

Hi -

That would be Rhino - Upload to Support

The problem still persists but now i get a much more detailed error: