Lands Design coordinate system?

Hi I’m new to Lands Design and am trying to use imported terrain and buildings data along with existing georeferenced models in Rhino, but the locations don’t match. I suppose they don’t use the same coordinate system, but I cannot find where to change this in Lands Design settings. The coordinate system used in the models we use is Lambert 72. Does anyone have a solution to this problem?

Thanks in advance!


yes, it looks like your data has been projected -from spherical long-lat coords- to a different coordinate system in respect to the one used by Lands Design. I don’t have a simple solution. If you want, you cand send to a sample file with some of those models that use Lambert 72 and we’ll do some tries.

Does Lands use WGS84 coordinate system? If not, which?

Yes, at least it uses the same parameters than WGS. I’m not sure if it is 100% compliant with WGS84, but the Lands projected coordinates are much closer to WGS84 than to Lambert 72.

datum selection is an important detail to keep standards consistent. Can this be a feature addition…or at least transparency in coordinate system?

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ping. can you provide more clarity on projected coordinates?

Is there an option in lands design to shift automaticaly SHP or MNT on import/export ?

Usually i use LIDAR+QGIS to generate site data and thus independently from the coordinate system you’re often far far away from origin. i usually tend to keep north straight as it’s site info but i’m shifting data with a grasshoper solution.
We choose an integer often multiple of 10 coordinate left and below site project as the new origin so that any project coordinate are positive.
I teach students how to build a pipeline to be able to deal with this, adding grasshoper is going to kill them ;).
As a pro, everything wich is bim is based on a shifted coordinate system (near software origin) but everything going out or made in autocad should be georeferenced and thus shifted to the original coordinate system (Lambert 93 or Lambert CC for FRANCE).


Is this something that has been adressed?


Solved in grasshopper at this point (by moving them) after importing shp contour lines and before generating terrain data.
I now solves all coordinates system logic in Qgis before getting dirty in rhino, but that’s would be a good idea to get some components for those not willing to deal with Qgis.