Hi all,
Lands Design 5.8 is available for download !
Here are the new features it includes:
- Filter contents by Region
- Filter contents by Layer
- New Layer column (optional)
- New Object type column in Plant List (optional)
Purge from Lands Edit Panel
- Unused Species
- Unused Urban furniture products
- Option to play the AVI file or open the containing folder once the animation rendering is completed
Realistic plant libray
- 60+ existing files replaced by better versions in .ArTree format
- 7 new files
- 12 stone blocks 2D/3D added to the Library
- Render ArTree files in nXtRender
- Improved rendering of very detailed plants in Mental Ray (the built-in render engine)
- Sun animation in Mental Ray and during the Animation preview
- Raytraced display mode support
- Generate very detailed plants for ViewCaptureToFile and ViewCaptureToClipboard
This is intended to be the last update with new features. Future updates may include bug fixes and improvements, but new features will be included in Lands Design 6.
Enjoy it!
Lands Design development team