Labyrinth @boulderhallebasel

The Labyrinth @boulderhallebasel is an algorithm based artificial cave / maze with maximized use of the space given: The 5 x 5 x 2.5 meter volume offers approximately 50 meters of tunnels of various sizes. Only a small number of surfaces are horizontal, which results in a unique spatial experience and challenges proprioceptive senses.

Built towards SN EN 1176, the European norm for playgrounds, our Labyrinth is safe for users of all ages.

The idea is based on concept designs which and @patrickandrey65 developed years ago at Blocx Asia in Malaysia. The struggles 10 years ago ultimately led to my fascination for computational design.

Developed in Rhino / Grasshopper and exported to Woodwop with our very own Grasshopper script, our workflow minimized the manual effort in programming and guaranteed flawless fabrication on a Homag 5-axis CNC machine…


Instagram: Martin Siegrist ( • Labyrinth @boulderhallebasel


Beautiful work Martin!


Thank you!

Neat! Can we see the Rhino model please. :slight_smile:

Full model without fillets and holes for connectors:

Detail of threshold based, algorithmically filleted parts:

Different categories of fillets:

Parts oriented to XY for manufacturing:

Assembly sequence generated in Grasshopper and converted into video in Windows 10 video editor:


Thanks, Martin.

*cringe* (cf. Tapeworm) :sunglasses:

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Thanks for the hint, Marc. I have to say the Windows Video Editor works fine. But I might give your Tapeworm a try…

The ultimate solution would be an improved Slider Animation feature with the option to export video instead of just images.

Most renderers export images because they render frames. You’d always have to have some sort of post-processor that stitches the video together, and that’s where Tapeworm comes in with a very Grasshopper-y approach. It can do much more than simple video export, and still more is to come!

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Time lapse of the assembly…


Wow, nice! Have you put it together yourself?

Really, really cool project @martinsiegrist!!! My claustrophobia is slightly triggered just looking at the thing :grimacing: - but such an awsome playspace and the assembly video is nothing short of impressive! Bravo!

Yes, I did about half of the assembly myself and my father and an industrial designer friend helped especially on larger panels.

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Thanks Jakob. I’m happy and proud everything came together so well!

This is wonderful <3

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Brilliant! The assembly timelapse really shows the scale and complexity of it.
I wonder how long until you hear the words “Dad! I’m stuck!” :slight_smile:

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Thank you Martyn. It was a very challenging project. Looking forward to the next one

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favorite part : Parts oriented to XY for manufacturing :+1:

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Es bitzli spot :slight_smile: This looks awesome! It’s not an easy task to manufacture and connect all those edges together, kudos! Gotta take a look on site when I am in Basel again!

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Thanks Daniel! Never too late… :slight_smile:

@martinsiegrist Salut Martin, I’ll stick to English, so others can read along. Congrats for the great project and workflow. You are the only one on this forum that ever posted about the use of a Homag.

I have a few questions regarding your experience with mpr(x). We are currently working with a fabricator using a Homag Centateq P-500. They are not able to mill a 3D path consisting of line/arc segments (example below). From looking at the documentation of the machine as well as the format description of mpr(x), this should be possible without problems. Unfortunately there is no budget in this project to develop a custom mpr(x) export as you did. The fabricator is currently looking for plug-ins that might be able to export mpr(x) from Rhino. By any chance, do you know of one? A quick search on my end did not return any results.