Keyboard nudge settings should be a document property

I’m have files open from different projects from different clients with wildly different nudging requirements, and when I jump from one file to another whatever I set in the last file is immediately applied to all instances and I have to change them again every. Time.

Hmm, interesting idea, how are you going to know what nudge settings have been set for a particular file?

Details, details!

Well as per the other thread today concerning mesh settings, it might be useful to create a set of buttons/aliases to set the desired collection of nudge settings with one click…

Oh I have aliases for setting the nudge settings, it’s just the annoyance that they would seem to be better attached to the file than to “Rhino.”

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If those ‘buttons’ were more like radio buttons, so that there was a visual indicator of what ‘gear’ you’ve selected, that would be really useful…

Might’ve missed that one but in case it was not mentioned, V8/WIP has retrievable mesh settings…



Ok, thanks for that… In my case a set of toolbar buttons will still be faster than drilling down into DocProperties though.

I have same wish: I work with different document properties, some in Meters, some in Millimeters, and its a nuisance to have to change the Nudge step setting in general Rhino preferences every time I open up a new document.

Is there a way to attach the nudge settings to the document?
Or as @Helvetosaur suggest: create a set of toolbar buttons with different preferred Nudge-step settings ?

What is an alias? How do I make the aliases for that?


No, there is not - they remain general options.

Here is a general macro for setting Nudge options:

NoEcho ! _-Options
_ModelingAids _Nudge

You can change the various options/values as you like to create different toolbar buttons.

To create an alias, go into Options>Aliases , hit the “New” button, put the shortcut (alias) on the left hand side and the macro or script on the right hand side.

wow thankyou :slight_smile:
(I love Rhino :star_struck:)

i have the feeling i saw a discussion or a few words quite a long time ago about making nudge screen/zoom related and not via fixed distance settings according to the set model units, maybe i am dreaming that up but i think it would be a good solution for many of the nudge needs, make that a toggle between regular and proportional.