Karamba3D Tutorials

Hi Karamba3D users, we are interested to get your feedback on what tutorials and guides to show you in the future so please feel free to write any suggestions here.

You can find our extensive range of videos on our website or on our Youtube channel


There is not much about modal analysis. When I define pin joints between multiple elements at a point, the natural frequency may change substantially depending on the connectivity I set and it is not always clear where the errors are

The second part of your Karamba TidBits #32 would be very interesting for me, since I am writing a master thesis on this topic!

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  • More tutorials on membranes please. Very interesting topic, especially because membranes are inherently kinematic without additional prestress. Also I am still a bit confused about N_II (is it only applied at the first iteration of the TH_II solver, why can it be overwritten?)
  • Tutorials utilizing the non-linear solver would be epic. Inflated membranes, bistable mechanisms, iterative application of loads, etc.

Thanks a lot

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Optimization with Galapagos would be amazing
And combinations of Karamba with Kangaroo

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I would appreciate more videos regarding reinforcement design.

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