Karamba3D 1.3.2 for Rhino5, 6 and 7 (WIP)

Karamba3D 1.3.2 is now released and can be downloaded from the website or from Food4Rhino.

It contains a new extensive cross section library including profiles from Russia, Japan, India, Canada, Australia, China, South Africa, Brazil and Korea; installation for Rhino7; and can be used as a scripting library independently from Grasshopper.

A list of all new features and bug-fixes can be found here.

All existing licenses run with this new update.

Hi I installed Karamba3D from github

but as soon as I open Rhino this message appears:

and when I open a karamba file in grasshopper, it appears as it was uninstalled:

I tried installing it again from the Karamabra website for Rhino7 but says a later version of Karamba has been installed.

What should I do?