Kangaroo - Hanging elements + Solid Collide

Hi everyone!

I’m trying to figure out how to get the geometry in Kangaroo not to overlap.

When I run the solver, it seems like it keeps going forever and never reaches a point where all the overlaps are gone. Maybe @DanielPiker has some ideas for this?

Thanks a lot!
Hanging elements + Solid Collide.gh (37.4 KB)

The threshold parameter on your solver is set to 0 – hover over it and you will see “Stop when average movement is less than this.” Set it slightly higher, like .00001 and it will converge. I tweaked your definition a bit, substituting the bouncy solver (since I think it’s fun to watch things as they converge) and added a grab goal so I could bang the icosahedra into each other manually :slight_smile: ).

Hanging elements + Solid Collide bouncy tweak1.gh (34.0 KB)

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On second read through, your main goal is to eliminate overlap – not just getting it to converge. But using the bouncy solver may offer you more control, using its damping parameter. But I suspect you will need to delicately balance your goals (gravity and repulsive forces between the faces, etc.). And there may be no single solution to packing 41 variably sized ico’s.

I have not looked at your definition yet. Denser subdivision might help reduce overlap of the polyhedrons.