Kangaroo 1 in parallel

In the Udemy GH Parametric Design video the excellent Wassef Daboussi has both Kangaroo 1 and 2 as optional tags in his GH window. This is to get Kangaroo Physics directly I suppose. He suggests getting the K-version 0. 099 to achieve this. I know that Rhino 7 already includes Grasshopper/Kangaroo so the problem for me seems to install Kangaroo 1 separately. If somebody knows how, please tell…Thanks

Hi @ingemar

Yes, you can have both installed.
The last version no. for Kangaroo 1 was actually 0.099, which you can find by scrolling down on Food4Rhino, and this can be added in the usual way without affecting the pre-installed Kangaroo 2.

You can’t mix forces/goals between the 2 versions. Also, several of the utility components exist in both Kangaroo tabs (eg. removeDuplicateLines etc.), and when sharing your definitions, if you use the ones from the Kangaroo 1 tab, people will need that installed to be able to open them.

Thanks, meanwhile I managed to install the 0.099 and now both Ks show up in GH tabs.
Appreciate your input, anyway, This forum is great!

It would be nice if the RemoveDuplicateLines components had slightly different icons in K1 and K2… I always wonder if it makes any difference but I guess it makes sense to stick with K2 for file sharing reasons?