Jewelery model fbx export is not appropriate, please help

Below is my Rhino rendered model
When I apply this settings in export file in fbx
output is as below image
Diamond , metal color is not available so help me to get output to get my jewelery in exact same as my model.
Thanks in advance.

Hi -
I don’t know if Rhino materials can be exported in other formats without any loss of the definition (but I could be wrong and moving this to the “Rendering” category hopefully catches the attention of those that would know). Which application are you exporting to?

I want to use this for online viewers …I want it for e-commerce website where 3D can be view 360° by mouse drag.

Hi -

I am told that you will need to export to the glTF format for that purpose. You can find the glTF-BinExporter plug-in in the PackageManager.