I have some issues with embedded files.
I use Rhino on a daily basis as part of my job. I work on Rhino files that other people need to use and vice versa.
I work on a Mac and use Rhino 8. The people I work with work on Windows and use Rhino 7.
We share files through Dropbox.
“Steps leading to the issue”
- I would be working on a Rhino file on my Mac with Rhino 8, add some materials (embedding texture files) to some surfaces. I then export it as a Rhino 7 file on Dropbox, with, of course, “Save textures” ticked
- My colleague, on their Windows, opens the file on Rhino 7, and get the “Missing image files” dialog saying that it can’t find all the material files I’d previously added.
I can’t really find out the cause(s) because there are many different variables to this issue but it feels like it might be something to do with Mac/Windows and Dropbox. On the “Missing image files” dialog, the paths to the files are from the Mac so I suspect that might be part of the cause? (maybe not…)
Anyone knows how to avoid this? Or any list of things to be careful with to try to avoid this?
I’ve attached an example file on the following link: TO DELETE - Google Drive
Your help would be very much appreciated.