Hi all!
I have some contours that come as points. I import these points in GH and I partition them by the number of points in each ring. Based on these partitions, I interpolate curves. So I end up with a number of curves. My final goal is to loft or sweep through these curves and get a surface. The issues:
i) Sometimes the number of points that I partition is not accurate (+,- 1). I currently fix that by closing each open curve, so this is fine, or at least not something that worries me right now.
ii) When lofting, I get weird twists in between a couple or more ‘rings’ (or none sometimes). I have checked a lot of things such as aligning the seam (through a component called AliCrvAliSeam, I believe from pufferfish addon) or from some scripts that I have found online. Sometimes this has worked and some other not. I have also checked that the curves are ordered. I don’t know what I am missing anymore. When not having aligned seams, I end up with ‘waters’ imprinted on the loft that follow the path of the seams, so I get that.
iii) Sweep1 component a lot of times tells me that my computer has run out memory and that I should restart my PC. This is impossible to happen since I have much more RAM available that the amount that Rhino’s using (60GB compared to 5-6GB used from Rhino). Maybe I need to change some preferences? Not sure.
I attach a minimal version of my file. I also attach an image that shows the unaligned seam version with the ‘waters’ on the left and the aligned loft with the twists on the right.
loft_issue.gh (249.6 KB)