Issue with Brep Import in Revit via Direct Shape Component

Hello everyone,

I’ve encountered an unusual issue with the import of Breps into Revit using the Direct Shape component. Typically, the import process has been seamless, and the complex surfaces from Rhino have translated well into Revit. However, I’ve recently noticed that some Breps are displaying faulty surfaces in Revit, despite appearing perfect in Rhino.

This is the first time I’ve faced such a problem, and I’m at a loss to explain why it’s occurring. The experience with importing complex surfaces has generally been positive, but this particular case seems to present some challenges.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues? Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your help.

Is the Rhino geometry far from Origin? Can you post a brep that is giving you issues? Thanks

Geometries are not that far from the Origin as you can see in this screenshot:

The absolute tollerance is 0.01
I am uploading here also the geometries from Rhino,
P4.3dm (1.9 MB)

they are then imported in Revit with the Add Geometry Direct Shape component.

I have noticed that by importing the Rhino file in Revit directly as an in place family (and importing the Rhino file with the import CAD command) it does get a different result than using the grasshopper component… It still present issues but different ones… :sweat_smile:

I do also receive some error messages in the Add Geometry “Direct Shape” in GH:

Rhino.Inside.Revit still needs to conform to Revit’s geometry tolerances.

When Rhino.Inside.Revit brings in geometry it tries to bring it in as a native Revit forms but if it fails it will attempt to clean things up (collapsing short edges in the error report), if that fails it will bring it in as a mesh as the last resort.

Note that bringing in the geometry to a new revit file with the add direct shape component will highlight the issues area in Rhino via the Grasshopper Preview (errors are in orange)