Geometry Import to Revit - FAILING

Cant quite figure out why only a few parts are failing to import into Revit. I tried adding them as direct shapes and then bringing them back in to color the mesh as was shown by Scott Davidson in a talk a few years back but it looks like a newer release catches this in the brep component (see error message below)

Is there a way to visualize this to find out what is failing or a method to rebuild that Revit would like better? There are almost identical parts that went over fine so I’m not quite sure where the issue is.

Thanks for the help

Hi, Using the DirectShape Geometry component will give you the best error messages and will highlight the bad geometry in Rhino. You may need to adjust your rhino preview / display mode to see the error previews.

Can you send us that rhino part and we can take look? If you look close the edges that are out of tolerance should be highlighted by rir.