Is there any way to run Rhino V6 in parametric mode?

I’m going to leave SOLIDWORKS forever and dive into Rhino because of some limitation SOLIDWORKS has. I don’t use my model for manufacturing but I need to make them in real dimensions so I need parametric feature of the SW. Can Rhino V6 do this?


I don’t understand the “so” in that sentence. Can you elaborate?

Hi Alex, you might want to look into Grasshopper in V6. Whenever parametric comes into the conversation Grasshopper seems the way in Rhino.—-Mark


I thought that there is a plug-in which helps in making Rhino parametric

You don’t need parametrics to create objects that are accurate and on size. We do it all day long and have for many years.



Unfortunately, the parametric plugin RhinoWorks was discontinued 2 or 3 years ago and was for Rhino 5 only.

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time ago out there
but bought by autodesk

I dont know anything of programming but that plug in works perfectly parametric Is really too difficult add that to Rhino?

Actually, it wasn’t Autodesk this time. It was Bricsys that killed the plugin for Rhino.

but “BricsCAD for AutoCAD” is the same at the end autodesk the beneficiar.

Autocad and Bricscad are completely separate software packages published by very different companies.

Well if some one developed that plug in. I think someone else could develop a better option to be integrated in Rhino 6 the unique disadvantage in rhino for conventional 3d model.

Go for it!

What is the limitation SolidWorks has for your use-case?

I would like but I am not programmer, Fortunately I have the knowledge necessary to make it happens with grasshopper it’s a little bit slower process but a parametric fact, I have too much time learning grasshopper and I still a fucking noob to me was a hard thinking of modeling process. When you learn to model in SolidWorks with all those “standard” features, Is a little difficult learn to think parametriclly or better said will model with grasshopper ? Or just happened to me?

I think the way Rhino works is different from SW. Rhino is not a dimension parametrically driven. Digital Project(catia) works in such way though maybe you can have a look.

3D Studio Max perhaps?

Would be interesting to know what SolidWorks limitation is the cause.

Mark (and others),

I have used Rhino for a number of years (but consider myself far from a power user) and recently made the move to use it for simple mechanical design targeted at CNC work. Being able to go back to make prototype changes days/weeks later is critical.

I tried using history, but there are commands in Rhino that are not ‘recordable’ using this method.

My (clunky) work around has been making separate 3dm files at key points during model building so if I need to make a change later, I can scan back through my potload of files and find the point in creation of the model where I now want to modify and copy it off to a new model’s directory where I begin building all over again.

This Works for simple models, but as complexity creeps up it seems that more often than not that which needs changed falls nearer the front of the model build and there isn’t much difference between using a saved file or starting completely from scratch. Sometimes I forget to do enough different saves and I am back to zero anyway. Try as I might, this is not terribly productive to say the least.

I am seemingly in the opposite position of the OP that is chucking Solidworks. In order to be able to ‘productively’ deal with even small changes in model parameters, it seems I’m out of options but to buy/learn a different CAD package. Subscription $$$ outlay/extended learning curve are real significant negatives … not to mention new CAM/post issues will invariably arise to interfere or block the path.

I am curious about your comment about Grasshopper and how you see it mitigating this problem. I have only researched GH a little and have not used it.

All comments and ideas are welcome. Nothing would tickle me more that to find I am missing something easy that makes the problem disappear with more learning.

After all the comments I have read about Machine Shop software debacles, risks, costs and EULA/indifferent support folks/maintenance issues, I would rather remain in the Rhino camp if at all possible.

Best regards to all,

That’s the way to do it. If you’re in industrial/product/packaging design, there’s no way around Creo, SolidWorks, etc. if you need a serious parametric approach and output production ready data. See how straightforward it is, even including G1/G2 continuity control. Grasshopper will be of no use here; it is a fantastic tool but made to accomplish other things.

I was hoping more qualified people would give you some good info to use. I read your comment. Like Lagom stated you are doing things right.
I am starting to learn Solidworks at this time. There are many nice things it can do to get the job done and more. It truly is a good software. I will say I can work circles around it with Rhino though. In the beginning when I was learning the basics of Rhino I thought it was so restrictive ( for the creative process) . Now I am more comfortable in knowing it takes time to get things out on to a screen. I guess everyone has their own way of getting things done in Rhino. I am always learning something. As you said about saving files at different stages of complexity seems like a good method. I guess it depends a lot on what your modeling. I like to do things in components or sections. a lot of individual parts. Sometimes just making copies in the same file if I want a different look at a relatively close group of objects. The back button I think I use a lot.
Maybe the simple part is becoming a better modeler and knowing that if you use this product it will have a certain set of rules that work better for it. It will be good to you, if you are good to it.
Someday I want to be as good as a power modeler . There are many that visit and help here. good luck ,Mark