Is There a "Cookie cutter trim" in Rhino?

Centuries ago when doing CAD drafting with AutoCAD 2000 there was a wonderful express tool called “cookie cutter trim”.
I could really use it when designing guitar fingerboards and have changed the width. All the fret slot locations (horizontal lines) either have to be trimmed or extended. I don’t want to re draw each line if not necessary.
Is there a “quick” way to do this , other than going to each line and trimming/extending both ends? Up to 52 times??

Hi Carl,
You will want to try the Rhino CurveBoolean command.

It is the most similar command that Rhino has, but it is not exactly the AutoCAD CCT.
With CurveBoolean the curves will need to intersect, and then you can pick the areas to stay.

Also a command that might be useful to you is the Distribute command

If you need more help, please post a small 3DM file that we can work with here.
Save as and delete anything you do not want us to see.:wink:

Mary Ann Fugier

In Rhino you have to do it in five steps.

  1. Use BoxEdit command (Size or Scale) to extend all lines beyond intersections. (Transform objects individually + Cen + Use bounding boxes + Uniform)
  2. Use CurveBoolean command to make rectangles from the lines.
  3. Use Explode command to explode the rectangles.
  4. Use SelDup command to select useless copies of the lines.
  5. Press Delete key to delete the copies.

P BassV6 to Forum.3dm (1.8 MB)

I don’t see how distribute would help, but will check out CurveBoolean in more detail - Thanks!

The fingerboard sides are tapered, and when changing the taper, there is a high likelihood that there are fret lines too long at each end, and ones that are too short and need extending at both ends. Ughh…

Thank you for the file.
@andrew.nowicki had some really good ideas.

I used the Gumball to scale the horizonal lines.
Then I used Trim command with the crossing window to select the parts to Trim.
I can trim it in 2 crossing windows, if I were more careful. I think I used 3 crossing windows.

See the video here:

The file is here.
P BassV6 to Forum_fix.3dm (286.8 KB)
Create points in the file to show the intersection between all the curves.
But you can now continue modeling.

Distribute is just a helpful command to know about.
You may find a use for it, but not here.

Mary Ann Fugier


@andrew.nowicki Certainly did. I got fouled up after extending all the fret lines and ended with only one bounding box at fret 0 - fret1, but was able to extend the fret lines enough to trim them all , as the extra was too small to begin with and required too much zooming in and out to trim.

I nominate CCT as a new express tool for Rhino :slight_smile: Or learn some Python coding :wink:

I got it to work with BoxEdit (scale x to like 2) → Trim (select vertical as cutting object, then windowing all horizontal lines.

BoxEdit is the main takeaway from this post - thank you!

I like the Gumball, but sometimes get stuck with it :rofl:

Did you see the video I attached above?
Did the Gumball scale work for you like detailed in the video?

Mary Fugier


Yes - Very elegant way to do it - I forgot about the scale button with gumball. Many thanks!

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