Is it working on two mac-pc for Rhino 5 mac version

I have plan to buy one Rhino 5 for mac standalone license.

so. Iam use my two mac-pc. one is in home, other is in office.

Is it Ok that I install and working on my two mac-pc alone?

Yes, this is fine and allowed by the EULA, as long as you are the only user and you do not use the two installations simultaneously.


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Mitch on that question, would running Rhino 5 on one Mac and a WIP version on one thats sits by its side breach the rules , I have been thinking about this for testing since I set up a dedicated Rhino Mac.

No, I don’t think so, WIP versions are for testing and as long as you already own a paid-for license, the more people actively using and testing the WIP, the better…


Cheers, I wasn’t sure if the common licence number would throw an error both being active on a single network.

Thanks a lot!

This are good news for me, because I am also working on to systems (desktop and mobile), of cause I’m not using both at the same time.