Dear Rhino users,
I have just created a closed mesh without any naked edges. However when I did “Check Objects” I got the message “This is a bad mesh”.
I tried to solve the listed problems (degenerate faces, non manifold edges, duplicate faces and skipping face direction check because of positive non manifold edge count) and I got an open and good mesh.
My purpose is to print this file in 3D so I presume the main factors are if the mesh is closed and if it isn’t any naked edges. Am I right? If so, a Bad Mesh is bad for doing what?
Thank you.
Closed is definitely important, but not the only criteria. If the mesh is non-manifold - meaning that there are one or more mesh edges that share more than two facets - that can cause many problems downstream. If you managed to get rid of all the listed problems and are left with a mesh that has just open edges, then you can turn on naked edge display (ShowEdges>Naked edges) and use the “manual” mesh repair tools to try to fix the holes - mostly by creating new faces and perhaps modifying existing ones around the hole.
Thanks, Mitch! I will remake it and try to repair the mesh once it is good and open.
But I thought we could lose significant details in the original model when we try to “manually” repair the mesh with culldegeneratemeshfaces, culldegeneratemeshfaces, fillmeshholes, extrectduplicatemeshfaces, etc.
Not really - anything “degenerate” is probably too small to worry about anyway, filling mesh holes only closes openings, it doesn’t change the topology around the hole. Also keep in mind the scale at which you’re operating, the resolution of the 3D printing system that is your target, and the size of the problem areas… Often the problem areas are far smaller than the resolution of the machine, so even changing the topology a bit around the problem area doesn’t change the final result visually at all.