I am an architecture student, I am having problems providing creating a sort of three-dimensional Voronoi structure, as a facade within a closed Brep. The final geometry is displayed however the output says, it is an invalid mesh, so I cant bake it.
I searched on this forum to find solutions to this problem or similar ones, but all failed. I have tried unifying mesh normals and deconstructing and reconstructing mesh, but to no avail.
this is the exact message from the ‘D’ output of the ‘Null Component’:
Mesh: ON_Mesh.m_F[1287168].vi has invalid vertex indices. Invalid Mesh.gh (36.5 KB)
The problem is that you are about 570,616 units away from the origin. This will cause precision issues with meshes. Move your geometry close to the origin and all works fine. (also the definition is much faster when you are near the origin). https://wiki.mcneel.com/rhino/farfromorigin
If for some reason you cannot move the model near the origin then Pufferfish’s Rebuild Mesh component can fix it (but this wont fix the definition slowness issue).
However, rebuilding the mesh at its original location with the Pufferfish component did not really make it better. I think It just made it bakable.
That is because of the precision issue. Verts will start to not be aligned as they should, rebuild just combines verts together that should be on top of each other but moved apart from the precision errors in this case, making the mesh bakable.
Is there another way of creating really precise meshes, away from the origin, without having to use the “farfromorigin” approach?
Not really I’m afraid, in general you wont want to work so far away anyway as it will slow down lots of components that have to do with calculating point locations due to the huge numbers and thus also causing bigger rounding errors.
Thanks again, I will try moving the entire project closer to the origin. if not then I will use the far from origin approach.
How do you get so good at this? I have been using grasshopper for about a year and a half now, but it seems like I don’t really know much. How do you get to know all this, and How can I learn faster.?
Everyone sucks in the beginning. The people on this forum that are good have one thing in common, they have used it for a long time and often, there is no special trick, just repetition.