Hi community,voronoimodel1.gh (10.3 KB)
I tried to get mesh from vortices and the model attached but I get invalid mesh error so that ı am not able to finish my work. I appreciate your advice…
Hi community,voronoimodel1.gh (10.3 KB)
I tried to get mesh from vortices and the model attached but I get invalid mesh error so that ı am not able to finish my work. I appreciate your advice…
You didn’t internalize your geometry in the file you posted so I used a simple cube that I created.
If you preview the output of your Construct Mesh component, you’ll see that you’re not getting regularly shaped quad faces:
If you change the order of the inputs to the Mesh Quad component you will get regularly shaped quad faces.
You should be able to proceed from here.
I internalized the geometry I was using (simple cube).
voronoimodel1_211030a.gh (15.6 KB)
I used the Tree List Viewer created by @Joseph_Oster to troubleshoot this. You can find this very useful tool here:
Thank you Kevin after your correction I worked on my file, but I had no progress about what I want.
I want to do some kind of boolen operation and finaly I want to have structure as seen in the picture. I am new on rhino thats why I stuck. Thanks for your considerations
Check this old forum classic…
Thanks a lot HS_Kim