Incorrect export to .dwg

I export my model to .dwg, import it back to Rhino and see this:

Why? How to fix it? Has anyone come across?

Hello - if that is a single planar surface, DupBorder, PlanarSrf from the results and replace your surface with that. Otherwise, post the file…


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Check it out!
Error.3dm (4.3 MB)
Error.dwg (849.4 KB)

Hello - it looks like that face in the original file is not quite planar.
Top view:


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You are right

So, I don’t understand something at all, if I import .3dm into AutoCAD, then everything is fine, if I import a .dwg created in AutoCAD (or Rhino) into Rhino, then everything is bad. What’s the matter?

Rhino cares more!
I don’t know, perhaps a tolerance difference…


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