Incomplete information in Help topics

While browsing the new help topics for Rhino 8, I figured out that certain tools lack a complete description and cautions. For example, the EdgeSrf tool is presented with scarce information, which could mislead the new Rhino users that this is just some basic tool that don’t need much attention. In fact, it’s one of the most valuable tools in Rhino and, sadly, many people skip it, because they are unaware of its advantages when it comes to NURBS surfacing with single-span surfaces.

That page does not mention that the EdgeSrf tool is capable of creating surfaces with the minimum amount of control points to achieve the desired shape. Along with that, this tool could precisely match the input geometry when it has the same number of control points and degree. This is the preferred method to build primary surfaces that are then modified via manual control point editing and/or matching its edges to the adjacent geometry.

Furthermore, the EdgeSrf tool has a specific way of building 4-sided surfaces, but this is also not mentioned in the help topics. To build a proper 4-sided edge surface from 3 input surface edges or curves in a П-like configuration, the middle input edge/curve must be selected first, then the side ones. If the order of picking the edges/curves is different, the resulting surface will be highly distorted and even many not align with the input geometry.

I can go on and on with giving examples with other tools that have an incomplete information, but you get the idea. :slight_smile: I’m aware that making such a broad documentation takes a lot of time and effort due to the huge amount of tools in Rhino, but this and other tools were in existence for many years, yet their help topics lack a lot of useful information that could help the existing and new Rhino users.