Improvement for future release

I would like to be able to pick a rotation point on an object and then be able to reset the rotation point back to its default location. Either a right mouse button that pops up or just two buttons that I could dock.
Would also like the zoom to be focused on the rotation point while in that mode.
Helps on large models when you need to edit things.
Not sure if this has already been looked at by others.
Thanks, Buddy

in version before v8, you can hot key relocate gumball and reset gumball and assign them to a button or key combo- .

in v8 double clicking any transform handle allows you to easily relocate the gumball. The you’d simply hotkey reset gumball-

you can activate rotate around gumball somwhere in your settings close to modelling aids,. then when you click the white circle of the gumball you can relocate and then again reset the gumball.

you also have _Zoom Selected for navigating closer to a selected object when not using gumball.

Thank you I will try all these things. Buddy.