I use the french version of VisualArq SR6 (2016/12/15) Evaluation on Rhino 5 64b Commercial
When I want to make the Villa Savoye tutorial, I can’t see and can’t select the style of any object (column, stabs, stairs…). I see only the standard Style.
Open one of the VisualArq templates at startup of Rhino (File > New > pick one of the VisualArq templates at the bottom) and you’ll have all the pre-configured styles.
I used a rhino’s template, so I could not see the pre-configured styles.
With VisualArq templates, it works.
Thank you for your help and your response.
You can also export the styles of a VisualARQ template and import them into the document you are working on with the _vaStylesExport and _vaStylesImport commands. Take a look at this tip: http://www.visualarq.com/support/tips/1890/