Importing solidworks sketches

I have a solidworks test part which is just a cube with some points on it. I want to import it into rhino with the points. Is there any settings that would allow me to do that?

I know I can export the sketch as a dwg and import it into rhino but it would be nice to just drag and drop the solidworks file and keep the sketch.

sw_test.SLDPRT (119.8 KB)

I have a solidworks test part which is just a cube with some points on it. I want to import it into rhino with the points. Is there any settings that would allow me to do that?

I know I can export the sketch as a dwg and import it into rhino but this would be part of a bigger process and it would be nice to be able to just import the .sldprt file straight into rhino.

I’m using rhino 8 and solidworks 2024.

sw_test.SLDPRT (119.8 KB)

How many accounts are you using?


that’s an old account that I used by mistake

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These are the import options but I don’t see any points being imported.

yes, that’s the issue

Importing the file with Grasshopper, I get this message in the command line:


yeah that’s probably the points. I thought “import construction geometry” was supposed to import all sketches.

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Can you create a Solidworks file with a sketch that contains a 100 x 100 mm square?

Then extrude that to 10 mm thickness.


sw_test2.SLDPRT (116.4 KB)

Agin the same message…

Part		 - sw_test2.SLDPRT
Some geometry was not read from the file

@tim or @Gijs could this be improved please?

It would be useful if the content of a sketch could be imported…

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Hi -
I’ve put this on Tim’s list as RH-81999 File IO: Read points from construction geometry

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Thanks @wim, points and lines and curves in general would make sense.