Importing IFC in Grasshopper

Hi everyone!

I have struggled a lot with this topic. Is there any method which I can use to import IFC file into Grasshopper/Rhino. I have a Building Volume in an IFC4 and I would like to convert it into a mesh into grasshopper/rhino.

Your feedback will be highly appreciated!

Thanks a lot!


can you attach your IFC file here?

There are a couple of plugins supporting IFC in Rhino.
I develop ggRhinoIFC (available in Package Manger) which can import to Rhino and Grasshopper.

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Hi Radaczynski,
There are multiple files so Iā€™d like to know about a plugin or some similar process so I just plug the IFC file and it converts it into a mesh in Rhino/GH.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks! let me check it :slight_smile: