I’m trying to write an Excel VBA script that basically accesses a running Rhino v5 session and pulls in some of the data into a worksheet tab. Unfortunately, I don’t seem to be able to talk to the running session, at least not using the documented steps:
Set Rhino = CreateObject("Rhino5x64.Interface")
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
'MsgBox ("Failed to create Rhino4 object")
Set Rhino = CreateObject("Rhino5x64.Application")
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
MsgBox "Failed to create Rhino5 object: " & Err.Number
Exit Sub
End If
End If
If (Rhino Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox ("Failed to get Rhino")
End If
Do While (nCount < 10)
Set RhinoScript = Rhino.GetScriptObject()
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
Sleep (1000)
nCount = nCount + 1
Exit Do
End If
' Display an error if needed.
If (RhinoScript Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox ("Failed to get RhinoScript")
strPath = Chr(34) & Rhino.DocumentPath & Rhino.DocumentName & Chr(34)
MsgBox "Current File is: " & strPath
Set arrObjects = Rhino.GetObjects(, 0)
If IsArray(arrObjects) Then
For Each strObject In arrObjects
MsgBox "Object identifier: " & strObject
MsgBox "There were no objects"
End If
End If
The script always kicks back that there’s no file load and has no objects, regardless of what’s loaded into Rhino v5. I’ve tried an alternate method where I try to force Rhino to bring up an open file dialogue box using:
strFile = Rhino.OpenFileName("Open", "Rhino 3D Models (*.3dm)|*.3dm|")
But I’ll get an unsupported method error from Excel. Can anyone explain how to access model data in a Rhino V5 session from within an Excel VBA module?
' Main subroutine
Sub Main()
Dim Rhino As Object
Dim RhinoScript As Object
Dim strFile As Variant
Set Rhino = ConnectToRunningRhino()
If (Rhino Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "Failed to Rhino object"
Exit Sub
End If
Set RhinoScript = Rhino.GetScriptObject()
If (RhinoScript Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "Failed to get RhinoScript object"
Exit Sub
End If
strFile = RhinoScript.OpenFileName("Open", "Rhino 3D Models (*.3dm)|*.3dm|")
If Not IsNull(strFile) Then
RhinoScript.PrintEx strFile
End If
End Sub
' Helper function
Function ConnectToRunningRhino()
Dim Rhino As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set Rhino = CreateObject("Rhino5x64.Interface")
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
'MsgBox "Unable to create Rhino5x64.Interface object"
Exit Function
End If
Set ConnectToRunningRhino = Rhino
End Function
Thanks for replying. I managed to bash out something that works by then, but yours looks similar to mine. The sticking point was Rhino.OpenFileName when apparently I should have been using RhinoScript.OpenFileName like you were. Alas, there seems to be a far amount of ambiguity in the manuals about when I should use the “Rhino” vs “Rhinoscript” in VBA. Looks like “Rhinoscript” is the way to go in nearly all cases. The section on “external access” could really do with some spiffing up on that.
“Rhino” and “RhinoScript” are just variable names. So if you want to be consistent with the help file, you can do this:
' Main subroutine
Sub Main()
Dim RhinoApp As Object
Dim Rhino As Object ' e.g. RhinoScript
Dim strFile As Variant
Set RhinoApp = ConnectToRunningRhino()
If (RhinoApp Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "Failed to get Rhino interface object"
Exit Sub
End If
Set Rhino = RhinoApp.GetScriptObject()
If (Rhino Is Nothing) Then
MsgBox "Failed to get RhinoScript object"
Exit Sub
End If
strFile = Rhino.OpenFileName("Open", "RhinoApp 3D Models (*.3dm)|*.3dm|")
If Not IsNull(strFile) Then
Rhino.PrintEx strFile
End If
End Sub
' Helper function
Function ConnectToRunningRhino()
Dim RhinoApp As Object
On Error Resume Next
Set RhinoApp = CreateObject("Rhino5x64.Interface")
If (Err.Number <> 0) Then
'MsgBox "Unable to create Rhino5x64.Interface object"
Exit Function
End If
Set ConnectToRunningRhino = RhinoApp
End Function